Programs > Resources

Students, and their parents in certain cases, have the following services available to them if the need arises:


Resource Team

This multi-disciplinary team is made up of members from the school along with school board based professionals. Then before school psychologist, please add special education technician and following school psychologist please add speech and language pathologist, Consultant of inclusive education and autism spectrum disorder consultant.


Special Education Technician

Works as a part of a teaching and multidisciplinary team to apply special techniques, supports and adaptations for students with intellectual/learning/physical disabilities and/or autism spectrum disorder in educational settings. 


IEP Meetings

Parents, teachers, psychologist and resource teacher meet to draw an IEP (Individual Education Plan) for students with special needs.


Integration Aides

The LBPSB provides in-class and/or in-school assistance on a limited "as needed" basis for students with special needs.