What is the Governing Board?
Westpark's Governing Board serves as the school's main consultative body. Composed of parents, staff members and community representatives, this committee approves policies regarding many areas of school life and is consulted on many important issues.
Who can be on the Governing Board?
Any parent may present him or her self as a Governing Board candidate or nominate another parent at the Parents' Annual General Assembly, which is held in September of each school year (see the school calendar on our website). Members are elected for a two-year mandate. Meetings are held once a month.
The Governing Board is broken down into two categories:
- Voting
- Parent representatives - we have 9, each with a 2 year mandate
- There are 9 school staff, including at least 1 support staff and 1 daycare staff, all with a 1 year mandate
- Non-Voting
- Principal and Vice Principal
- 2 Community Representatives, if available
- Rules of Internal Management
2024-2025 MEMBERS
Parent Representatives |
Staff Representatives |
Stuart Becker
Chelsea Bayer
Samantha Brown
Giulia Caroseilli
Maria Antonietta Davoli |
Pina Garritano |
Mark Kashetsky
Margaret Gogoris
SEED Daycare & Lunch
Kenny Mandel
Mary Lawrence
Phil Pinsky
Sylvie Lepage
Melissa Salama
Alia Odubayo
Ashley Smolar
Christina Papanayotou
Tiffany Uman
Vice Chair |
Ashley Kennedy |
Community Representatives |
Karene Benabou |
Linzee Rothenberg |
Diana Martire
(ex-officio) |
T. Menon
Vice Principal
A. Charszan
Meetings 2024-2025
October 15
November 19
December 17
January 21
February 18
April 9
May 20
June 11